Platform Volunteer Application - የበጎ ፈቃደኞች ነፃ አገልግሎት መስጫ ማመልከቻ ቅፅ Full name: Date Current Job: Phone #: Email Adress: 1. Position for which you are Volunteering: (Check all that apply for you) Volunteering as a platform Committee MemberVolunteering to perform any casual task, when required by the platformVolunteering to perform as Forum Admin, Moderator, Mentorship platform coordinator, website visitors & emails management, inbox response team. 2. Number of hours you are volunteering to the community website platform each week (individual should not work beyond defined work hours): 1-10 hrs/week10-15 hrs/week15-20 hrs/week Uplifting Ourselves seeks to match skilled and diverse volunteers with appropriate volunteer opportunities. Please take a moment to tell us about yourself so we can better understand your experiences, skills and interests. List Any Previous or Current Volunteer Experience: Organization /Major Responsibility Dates of service (yy/mm) From: To: 1. 2. 3. Why do you want to serve as a volunteer? How do you hope to benefit? List the Qualifications and Skills that you bring to the Organization: Thank you for your volunteer service to this Ethiopian community platform!