Uplifting Ourselves

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Signup for Mentorship

This page shall be used to submit Mentoring Service Request. The Program Coordinator will start processing your request within a few days. Please fill out each line below completely and submit. Incomplete submissions will not be processed. After submission, you will receive an email acknowledging receipt of your Request Matching request. We will then assign you a Mentoring Coordinator who will contact you via email. Your Coordinator will be responsible in helping you connect with your Mentor from start to finish.

    Uplifting Ourselves seeks to match skilled and diverse volunteers with appropriate volunteer opportunities. Please take a moment to tell us about yourself so we can better understand your experiences, skills and interests.

    5. Preferred all mentorship language to you: Circle all that apply

    6. Preferred mentorship service communication medium (Check all that apply):

    7. Prospective Mentee

    [Upon receipt of this filled out and signed subscription, we will contact you via email.]